Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Before European Hegemony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Before European Hegemony - Essay Example The readings describe crusades in detail and how they provoked a â€Å"clash of civilizations† between the Christian kingdoms of Europe and the Islamic kingdoms of Turkey and Asia Minor. The crusades were fought on religious grounds and suffused the fighters with a sense of religious fanaticism that proved deadly and dangerous to their opponents on the battlefield. As happens in any time of war, the crusades led to the development of newer technologies as well as newer forms of communication and control. The fact remains that as in contemporary times, the crusades were an important way to stimulate the economies of the European and Islamic countries. However, this should not detract us from the fact that the crusades were barbaric in nature. As the reading indicates, â€Å"the crusades stimulated a remarkable increase in naval power of the mariner states. The heightened demand for ships – to carry crusaders and pilgrims to the holy land- led to a virtual frenzy in ship building† (Abu-Lughod, 111). The pope had a major role to play in the conduct of the crusades and was responsible for papal injunctions against or for certain practices and the way the war was conducted. The readings make an important point about the roles of Genoa and Venice and the way in which these cities contributed to the conduct of the war. The readings make it clear that both Genoa and Venice experienced rapid surges in population thanks to the crusades and the generally heightened economic activity that accompanied this period. The readings make a case for the European subsystems and their access to different structures of power and commerce. The readings highlight the fact that the evolution of the modern forms of commerce and trading can be directly related to the developments in commerce and trade during the time that has been covered in the readings. The readings make

Monday, October 28, 2019

The History of Chocolate Essay Example for Free

The History of Chocolate Essay The first recorded evidence of chocolate as a food product goes back to Pre-Columbian Mexico. The Mayans and Aztecs were known to make a drink called Xocoatll from the beans of the cocoa tree. In 1528, the conquering Spaniards returned to Spain with chocolate still consumed as a beverage. A similar chocolate drink was brought to a royal wedding in France in 1615, and England welcomed chocolate in 1662. To this point chocolate as we spell it today, had been spelled variously as chocalatall, jocolatte, jacolatte, and chockelet. 11 In 1847, Fry Sons in England introduced the first eating chocolate, but did not attract much attention due to its bitter taste. In 1874, Daniel Peter, a famed Swiss chocolateer, experimented with various mixtures in an effort to balance chocolates rough flavor, and eventually stumbled upon that abundant product milk. This changed everything and chocolates acceptance after that was quick and enthusiastic. GROWING COCOA BEANS Cocoa beans are usually grown on small plantations in suitable land areas 20 degrees north or south of the Equator. One mature cocoa tree can be expected to yield about five pounds of chocolate per year. These are planted in the shade of larger trees such as bananas or mangos, about 1000 trees per hectare (2,471 acres). Cocoa trees take five to eight years to mature. After harvesting from the trees, the pods (which contain the cocoa beans) are split open, beans removed, and the beans are put on trays covered with burlap for about a week until they brown. Then they are sun dried until the moisture content is below 7%. This normally takes another three days. After cleaning, the beans are weighed, selected and blended before roasting at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours. Then shells are removed leaving the nib. Nibs are crushed to create a chocolate mass. This is the base raw material from which all chocolate products are made. KINDS OF CHOCOLATE Milk Chocolate This consists of at least 10% chocolate liquor (raw chocolate pressed from carob nibs) and 12% milk solids combined with sugar, cocoa butter (fat from nibs), and vanilla. Sweet and Semi-Sweet Chocolate Are made from 15-35% chocolate liquor, plus sugar, cocoa butter, and vanilla. Imprecision of the two terms causes them to commonly be called dark or plain chocolate. Dark chocolate has a large following among dessert makers, and for this reason is referred to as baking chocolate. Bittersweet and Bitter Chocolate Bittersweet usually contains 50% chocolate liguor and has a distinct bite to the taste. Bitter or unsweetened chocolate liquor also is used in baking and is also referred to as bakers chocolate. Creams and Variations Bite sized and chocolate covered. They are filled with caramels, nuts, creams, jellies, and so forth. White Chocolate Is not really chocolate as it contains no chocolate liquor, Carob This is a brown powder made from the pulverized fruit of a Mediterranean evergreen. It is used by some as a substitute for chocolate because it can be combined with vegetable fat and sugar, and made to approximately the color and consistency of chocolate.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blow and Prozac Nation :: miscellaneous

Blow and Prozac Nation Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel is a memoir written about the author’s life of depression, addictions, and her relationships. The author is an extremist when it came to her depression. She would portray her emotions so that everyone knew that she had a problem and for some reason are still there for her. This novel best represents the movie Blow based on the life of George Jung. Jung was also addicted; he was addicted to drugs, money, dealing, and relationships. Which both Elizabeth and George can relate to their addictions and problems they encountered over their lives. Elizabeth is taking medication for her depression, but the pain gets worse and worse as the days go by. â€Å"I’m going up to 102nd st. to get the coke, it will make you feel better.† She is hooked on drugs because all she wants is the pain to go away, and being a young adult in college parting, beer, and drugs are going to be used. That is the last that she needs because like George Jung’s father once told him as a young boy, â€Å"When your up, your up, and when you’re down you never think you’ll be up again but you do. Money isn’t real George.† Meaning when Elizabeth takes those drugs to make her feel better for the time being she takes them to feel better and then she feels even worse. She must stay together because eventually you’ll be back up again. What George’s father told him when he was a boy that stuck with him through his whole life. He dealt drugs and made tons of money but then when he crashed because of his business partner Diego, who stole all of his connects and the inside guys, he lost his wife and his daughter and then he worked his way back up the chain to have his daughter, who he lost because he was in jail, have the same respect for him again that she had so long before that. He did overcome it. Elizabeth try’s the easiest way out of things. She cannot control what she does. She’ll have the loud cry for help without saying the words. Her actions speak so much louder than her words. Elizabeth had never once told someone to help her, she would just be screaming crying throwing a fit on the bathroom floor, almost killing herself.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Competition Protects Consumers, Politicians Protect Themselves :: Politics Political Essays

Competition Protects Consumers, Politicians Protect Themselves Baltimore Sun political writer H. L. Mencken once warned, "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." As saviors politicians then announce an array of government programs to safeguard a grateful electorate from one hobgoblin or another. For that safety, taxpayers are forced to cough up billions of dollars to finance government agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Consumer Product Safety Administration (CPSC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). What is it that ultimately protects the consumer? It's not government but competition - many producers competing with each other for our dollars. What motivates a grocery store manager to have sales, introduce new products and services and incessantly search for other ways to please us and make us loyal customers? The easy answer is that the manager seeks greater profits, but profits cannot be simply decreed because he has no power to force us to shop at his store. He must lure us into his store pleasing us more than our next best alternative - his competitor down the street. The life of the manager and his employees, would be much easier if they could get legislators to write "level playing field" laws to "protect consumers" against cutthroat competition. A level playing field law might mandate that all grocers charge the same prices, sell the same items, and provide identical customer services. That way competition would be reduced. Right now your grocer and his employees know that if he charges high prices and provides poor quality service, you will take your business elsewhere. That would result in less business, lower profits and possibly bankruptcy. But if the manager and his employees could persuade lawmakers to enact a level playing field law, it would be a different story. The identical principle applies to workers. Some people think labor unions, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and minimum wage laws protect the worker. Labor unions, OSHA regulations and minimum wages laws do protect the jobs and income of some workers but at the expense of other workers' jobs and income. Labor unions and many labor laws are little more than a collusion against other workers. Union leaders argue that their right to strike is their most powerful tool in their pursuit of higher wages and better working conditions.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Description of Grace

A DESCRIPTION OF GRACE By Emmanuel O. Obiorah Jos, Plateau State 27th March, 2013 GRACE INTRODUCTION The word ‘Grace’ is not a new word to most religious circles. Among Christians, such adjectives like amazing, extravagant, divine and awesome have been used to qualify the word grace with each depicting its importance to the Christian faith. Our concern in this work is to describe and analyze this word- Grace for a better, richer and more fulfilling understanding of its meaning. We hope that this would be of immense blessing as we consider this word which made us what we are today- Christians. Definition of the wordIn the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for Grace is Chen ( ). Strong’s Concordance defined this word as â€Å"favor, grace or charm†¦the moral quality of kindness, displaying a favorable disposition†. Chen was translated as â€Å"grace† thirty –eight times in the King James translation. It was also translated â€Å"favour† twenty-six times, twice as â€Å"gracious†, once as â€Å"pleasant†, and once as â€Å"precious†. The Greek word charis ( ) was used for Grace in the New Testament. Strong's Concordance defined charis as; â€Å"the state of kindness and favor towards someone, often with a focus on a benefit given to the object. Another Greek word that is related to charis is charisma (khar'-is-mah- gracious gift) both of which originated from the Greek word chairo (to rejoice, be glad, delighted) (Olowe 2011a). According to Olowe (2011b), Grace can be simply defined as an unmerited gift of God to assist and to equip man. This means that Grace comes in form of assistance, potential or resource. It is â€Å"a favour with which one receives without any merit of his own, the gift of divine grace, the gift of faith, knowledge, holiness, virtue†.The economy of divine grace is that through it â€Å"the pardon of sin and eternal salvation is appointed to sinners in considerati on of the merits of Christ laid hold on by faith†. Grace or gifts (as it is sometimes referred to) also denotes extraordinary powers that distinguish certain Christians by enabling them to serve the church of Christ. Grace motivates Christians to exercise all the Christian virtues â€Å"the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating on their souls by the Holy Spirit† (Olowe 2011b).The Catholics on the other hand defined Grace (gratia, Charis) generally as â€Å"supernatural gift of God to intellectual creatures (men, angels) for their eternal salvation, whether the latter be furthered and attained through salutary acts or a state of holiness† (Knight 2012). Having considered the various definitions, this writer believes that Grace is a divine enablement or favourable disposition towards an undeserving person to do or become what such a person would not have been or done without such enablement. Genre of the word: GraceGrace is a theological term which is present in and among many religious groups other than Christianity. However, there are significant differences between the ways these other religions use the word grace. Even within Christianity, there are differing conceptions of grace. Infact the differences in the view of Grace including the so-called controversies of grace which space may not allow us to discuss in this work made Bill Gothard describe grace as â€Å"the watershed that divides Catholicism from Protestantism, Calvinism from Arminianism, and modern liberalism from conservatism†(Olowe 2011a).One of the differences in the views of the concept of Grace is that while the Protestants believe that special grace can only be received through the Spirit of God, the Catholic doctrine teaches that God uses the sacraments to facilitate the reception of this grace (Knight 2012). Protestants on the other hand generally held the view that even without the sacraments; divine grace has been imparted by God to h umanity. Theological discussion of the word- Grace Gift and Grace are sometimes used interchangeably because Grace manifests as a gift from God. God’s grace is upon all humanity.Even though salvation is the greatest gift God has given to all mankind, it is not the only gift man receives from God. Olowe (2011b) pointed out that the Grace of God is unlimited and are in five forms. These are: Material Universal Grace (Gifts of Matter and Time), Spiritual Universal Grace (Gifts of the Soul and the human Spirit), Spiritual Special Grace (Gifts of Supernatural (divine) Spirits), Divine Universal Grace (Gifts of Favor and Restraint) and Divine Special Grace (Gift of Salvation). Two forms of this grace come from special grace and three from universal grace (Olowe 2011b).Universal Grace is to be seen as the grace that God bestows on all mankind whether believers or unbelievers as resources to implement good works. On the other hand the atonement of sins by the blood of Jesus is the so urce of the Special Grace of God. The above five forms of grace are classified under three categories: – Divine Grace, Material Grace and Spiritual Grace. Divine grace Divine Grace whether universal or special generally involves God’s direct intervention in human lives. Divine universal grace and divine special grace are not resources for implementing good works.Their general purpose is to provide assistance to man in reaching God and in faithfully implementing stewardship. Divine grace gives meaning and purpose to life. The major difference between divine universal grace and divine special grace is their manifestations. Divine special grace (gift of salvation) manifests in the salvation of the sinner and it is a long term grace that can last for ever if no apostasy occurs whereas divine universal grace manifests in making possible the other forms of grace and it can be an instantaneous or a short term grace.Material grace Material Grace is the only category of grace t hat is totally universal and not special in nature. Material Grace is for both believers and unbelievers and is gifts of matter and time. This gift include the universe, the earth, and all other resources including, the air, the sea, animals, minerals, plants, sun, moon, rain, snow, and so on. These things are available to both believers and unbelievers and were graciously given to all men by God.Paul observed that this grace is a prove of God’s love for man when he said to the people of Lystra â€Å"Nevertheless he (God) left not Himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filing our heart with food and gladness† (Acts 14:17). This was in agreement to the words of Jesus that God â€Å"maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust† (Matthew 5:445). This grace is for all. The essence of this grace is for man to use these gifts to get provisions and to implement good works. Spiritual graceSpiritual Grace whether universal or special is the only resourceful grace that resides in man. Spiritual grace determines the ability of each man. No two persons may have exactly the same spiritual gifts as the scripture puts it â€Å"but all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he wills† (1 Cor. 12:11) . It is a gift that enables man to relate to God and this gift is received by believers only (special). Spiritual universal grace on the other hand is the gift of the soul that enable man to relate to his fellow man and to his environment and also of the human spirit.It is that inner longing in man to relate to God or to other spirit beings (gods) (Olowe 2012). The Grace of God expresses itself as a combination of many attributes of God, especially mercy, goodness, compassion, and love. In many verses in the Bible, these attributes are interrelated and a combination of two or more stresses the Grace of God (Eph 2: 4-5; Ps 145:8; Exo 33:19). Unlike the above view, the Catholics distinguished between only two forms of grace which are the â€Å"transient help to act† (actual grace) and the â€Å"permanent state of grace† (sanctifying or justifying grace).The former (actual grace) has a fourfold meaning. In a subjective sense, it signifies good will or benevolence and in its objective sense it refers to every favour proceeding from this benevolence (good will) and thus every gratuitous gift. The latter (sanctifying grace) â€Å"is the gratuitous gift of his life that God makes to us; it is infused by the Holy Spirit into the soul to heal it of sin and to sanctify it† (Grace and justification 2012). Charles Wesley calls this sanctifying grace the â€Å"sustaining grace† that leads believers towards perfection (sanctifying grace 2012).A closer look into the Catholic concept of actual grace would reveal the literary value of the word grace. Actual grace descri bes grace further as â€Å"seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion† or â€Å"a characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement†. This grace is also seen as â€Å"a sense of fitness or propriety† or â€Å"a temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve having the notion of mercy; clemency† (Grace 2012). It is believed to be that admiration or charm as hen the bible said that â€Å"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us† (Psalms 90:17). This is because beauty or charm attracts benevolent love and prompts the bestowal of benefactions (blessings). This goes to explain why grace is also used in literary or secular circles for either clemency in the court and manner of behavior or poise. This grace also means the expression of gratitude from a person who has received blessing or favour by giving of thanks. This is where blessing of meals comes to play. The word gratiae (plural of gratia) also stands for t hanksgiving.Kevin Knight (2012) connected this beautifully when he said that: Universality of grace does not conflict with its gratuity, if God, in virtue of his will to save all men, distributes with sovereign liberty his graces to all adults without exception†¦ if the universality of grace is only a result of the Divine will to save all mankind, we must first turn our attention to the latter as the basis of the former. This goes to say that the universal grace that God gave to all human is to the effect that they be drawn closer to God by the salvation of their soul on the merit of Christ’s blood.Thus according to Knight, universal grace (actual grace) is the basis or foundation for special grace (sanctifying grace). One question that most theologians often ask about the matter of grace is the question of man’s free will. The bible said that â€Å"it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure† (Phil. 2:13). The question theref ore is if man needs grace to act or decide then where is his free-will to make choices on his own?Knight (2012) responded to this by observing that there is â€Å"a grace which precedes the free determination of the will and another which follows this determination and co-operates with the will†. He is of the opinion that grace does not destroy man’s free will but co-operates with it. This grace helps the believer to make decisions that would glorify God and for the unbeliever, gives him an option to choose the right. The ultimate will of God for this grace is â€Å"not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance† (2 Peter 3:9) and to remain in the faith.Knight puts it well when he opined that this grace is a way of God protecting the believer â€Å"against fall into sin and with the final experience of a happy death† (Knight 2012). Scripture text and its interpretation. Most times the particular meaning of Grace could be unders tood from the context in the passage in which the word is found. For instance, in Romans 5:1-2 â€Å"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand†¦ Grace in this context is something that is God-given and is made possible only through Jesus Christ. This is God's gift of salvation granted to sinners for their salvation. This is the divine grace or as in the Catholic parlance the justifying grace. It is that unmerited mercy (favor) that God gave by sending his son to die on a cross and thus delivering eternal salvation to humanity. Another example is to be found in Luke 2:40 â€Å"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. In this example when using the definition of grace to mean unmerited favour it does not make sense. The reason is that the sinless Christ would not need the unmerited or undeserved favou r of salvation. Thus grace in this context literally means â€Å"favour or attractiveness†. It could also mean divine enablement which does not necessarily bring one to salvation but as Olowe (2012b) puts it this grace is the â€Å"resources to implement good works† Also in Galatians 5:4 which reads â€Å"Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. It would not make any sense to interpret grace in that context as â€Å"unmerited favour† for how can one fall short of grace through pride or attract grace through meekness (James 4:6; Galatians 5:4) if it is unmerited? Grace in this context is â€Å"†¦the empowering Presence of God enabling you to be who He created you to be, and the power that God gives us to do his will†(Olowe 2011a). This suggests that the empowering is subject to being connected to the source (God). This then holds that sin could make one fall away from such empowermen t.Any form of disobedience is rebelling against the will of God and thus a fall from grace (divine empowering). CONCLUSION John Newton’s â€Å"Amazing Grace† remains the greatest hymn of all times. This song was written by a man who described himself as â€Å"once an infidel and Libertine, a servant of slavers in Africa†. He testified that it was by the rich mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that he was preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he once long labored to destroy. This story of God’s amazing grace shows the power of God in transforming lives.It is the story of hope for all men, sinners and saints alike. Hope that the sinner can still return to God and be accepted by Him. Hope that the saint need not depend on his strength for victory over sin. Hope that we could be co-opted into the service of God and function effectively because grace is available. The challenge before the church therefore is not just to sing a bout this grace, but to be so motivated by its power that we would carry this message of God’s grace to the unsaved neighbours and friends around us. May this be our passion and mission! REFERENCEAbi Olowe (2011). Grace of God. Houston: Omega Publishers. http://www. graceti. com/books. asp? bkid=7. Abi Olowe (2011). The Five Forms of Grace. Houston: Omega Publishers. http://www. graceti. com/books. asp? bkid=1 www. scborromeo. org/ccc/p3s1c3a2. htm†¦. â€Å"Grace and justification†- St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. www. olrl. org/Lessons/Lessons8. shtml†¦ Lesson 8 â€Å"sanctifying grace†. www. gbgm-umc. org/umw/Wesley/walk. stm. ‘Grace’ Easton Bible Dictionary version 2. 0. 0 Vintech Systems (accessed 03 October, 2012) http://www. illumina. com/encyclopedia/hymns/amazing_Grace

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Descartes And God Essays - Epistemology, Ren Descartes, Free Essays

Descartes And God Essays - Epistemology, Ren Descartes, Free Essays Descartes And God Jared Rhine English 201 October 10, 1997 Descartes sets about proving the existence of God through his meditations on knowledge in an effort to prove the skeptics of his time wrong. He first determines that human knowledge is based entirely too much on unproved presuppositions. He argues that this makes it difficult to distinguish between truth and error, since we cannot recognize true knowledge. Descartes proposes that the quest for knowledge must be based upon universal doubt. Specifically, he proposes the following in relation to his universal methodic doubt: 1. In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things. 2. We ought also to consider as false all that is doubtful. 3. We ought not meanwhile to make use of doubt in the conduct of life 4. Why we may doubt of sensible things. 5. Why we may also doubt of mathematical demonstrations. 6. We cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt, and this is the first knowledge we acquire when we philosophize in orde r. Descartes proceeded to strip away his knowledge base in order to determine the one indubitable fact, Cogito, ergo sum. From this absolute knowledge of his own existence, he set about deducing the existence of God through ontological argument. In our minds, the idea of God is one of an infinitely perfect Being. An infinitely perfect being must have existence, otherwise it would not be infinitely perfect. Therefore, God exists. In proving the existence of God, Descartes set the groundwork for determining that God created man. He further postulated that God, being infinitely perfect and not a deceiver, could not have provided man with the deceptive powers of knowledge. Therefore, man's mental faculties are determined to be trustworthy provided we separate what there is of clear and distinct in the knowledge from what is obscure and confused. Using this reasoning, man must discard all previous knowledge, which is doubt-ridden, all sensory-based knowledge (as perceptions can be misleading ), and all intellection. As a result, skepticism is removed and valid knowledge possible. Descartes primary purpose was the defense of human knowledge against the attacks of the skeptics. He was justified in excluding preconceived notions, presuppositions, and traditions in determining the limits of knowledge. Descartes discarded the ability of the mind to know truth and the human abilities of contradiction and sufficient reason. In doing so, he made a solution to the problem impossible. As it relates to his theory of the existence of God, Descartes universal doubt refutes his own conclusion as to God's existence. Descartes formed an idea of God as an infinitely good being. He would have had to discover this idea within his own mind. According to his principle of universal doubt, he cannot simply know whether his conception of God is correct or incorrect. He would have, as a matter of his own principle, considered it as false until proven otherwise. Therefore, since the idea of God is in doubt, the trustworthiness of man's reasoning must also be doubtful and Descartes cannot escape his own real doubt. Descartes uses a process of reasoning, a mathematical formulae, in attempting to demonstrate God's existence. If his reasoning is of demonstrably doubtful validity, how can Descartes demonstrate God's existence? The validity of Descartes reasoning is supposed to flow as a consequence of the infinite perfection of God; and God's infinite perfect is made certain through Descartes' reasoning powers before he has even proven that these reasoning powers are valid and trustworthy. Descartes assumes the very thing beforehand, which he intends to prove afterwards. Descartes accepts the trustworthiness of his faculties in demonstrating the existence and infinite perfection of God, and that is illegitimate. A doubtfully valid faculty will produce a doubtfully valid argument, which will, in turn, produce a doubtfully valid conclusion. The ent ire argument for God's existence is therefore nullified by a suspect reasoning process. Since he proves the reliability of his reason and process by means of God's veracity, the proof of his reliability cannot be established beyond doubt. Thus, Descartes attempt to vindicate the validity of human knowledge failed, because, by rejecting the reliability of his own powers to discover and know

Monday, October 21, 2019

Social Networking

Social Networking Introduction In their quest to integrate with others, people develop various behaviors besides doing different things through which they create and maintain relationships and social networking being one of these. Social networking is the collection of people into various groups who have common interests and sometimes similar likes and dislikes.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Social Networking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It can also be defined as the creation of groups of people who want to share information and help each other in building relationships as it occurs in local villages and communities. It should be noted that, though social networking is possible and can easily be done in schools, villages and workplaces, it is rampant on the internet. This is the case because unlike in the villages and schools where people might not want to share their information or personal views with one another, the internet has millions and probably billions of people who are ready to share information (Niciejewska 17). This is also boosted by the fact that internet covers a relatively wide area and people want to get firsthand information from all parts of the world and therefore, find it more interesting to network online. However, though social networking has various advantages like enabling easy and first flow of information, it also has far reaching consequences including consuming time which could have been used for other productive activities. Advantages of Social Networking Social networking is a common feature in the world nowadays and it is practically impossible for any person to say that the world can do without networking at any level. It is practiced from professional aspects to personal lives and by the old, the middle aged and the young generation a like. It has become more a way of life than it is a technological aspect of how people spend their leisure time which was the init ial intention. To begin with, social networking has decreased the costs of get in touch with people because the social networking sites that people use are mostly free. People seated in the comfort of their private rooms can easily communicate with different people in different continents within a minute at a cost that could have been used to communicate with one person. On top of that, business people can easily learn the likes and dislikes as well as other behaviors of their target markets thus carrying a research at no cost and this enables them in designing their products according to the consumers’ need. In addition to that, people can easily advertise their goods and services on the social networking media for a negligible cost when they are networking (Rosenbloom 431).Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, social networking helps in building confidence of people to one another. This is highly advantageous to business people who will want to create a good rapport with their customers so that they can maintain them for future purposes. Customers feel more confident if they interact with the business people both on professional and personal grounds and this makes them feel at easy. It should also be noted that it is easy to get correct and objective information from the customers whom one interacts with both on professional and personal grounds than those with whom one interacts with on business reasons only (Smith and ze 338). On top of that, social networking has really improved the way people can offer after sale service since even if people are very far apart communication is easy and one can easily find his or her customers. Moreover; social networking sites like facebook, twitter and others have increased the connections among people nowadays which have been advantageous in the long run. Many of the connect ions that started in the social networking sites have ended in face to face meetings and made longtime friends who help each other in many aspects of live. In addition to that, social networking has increased the flow of knowledge from one person to another. Scientists, sociologists and people from other professions have been able to get information through the social networking sites therefore, increasing their knowledge base besides communicating their theories (Raje 76). This would have been impossible in other circumstances and some theories developed would have ended up being isolated and irrelevant. In conjunction with that, social networking has also changed the way education is conducted and improved the interactions between teachers and students. Students have joined several social networking sites and teachers have embraced this technology therefore, making learning process more accommodating. Extended classroom discussions, assignments, test and quizzes are found online n owadays and they can be accessed all day round making learning an interesting activity. On top of that, relationships between parents and teachers have been boosted by social networking sites whereby teachers and parents can communicate without having to meet face to face (Niciejewska 18). This not only saves time but also increases the chances of interaction between teachers and parents who most of the times are far apart. On top of that, social networking has been used by various organizations to seek for support from the masses. It can be noted that nowadays, various political parts have successfully used social networking in their campaigns because it is cheap and reaches a huge number of people at the same time.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Social Networking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Furthermore, social networking has been used by various groups to connect people seeking for employment with t he available employment opportunities, thus increasing the employment rates in the community (Mason and Frank 7). This is common among college students who have even come up with their social networking site where the alumni give information to final year students about the employment opportunities that are available at the given time. Disadvantages Despite the immense importance of social networking in the lives of people nowadays, it has brought about some very dire consequences which have not only cost people money but have also led to loss of lives. Social networking sites like facebook and twitter require that people provide their information concerning their age, gender, location and other important information. This information most of the times reach people who are not known to the provider of information. Others use the information on social networking sites without the consent of the concerned people for their benefits (Harwood 64). In addition to that, it has been reporte d that criminals use social networking site to get information about their targets which has increased crime rates. Additionally, social networking sites have become addictive and people spend a lot of their time either chatting in the social networking sites or trying to get new friends. This leads to various behavioral changes in a person and end up making people antisocial on personal grounds because they are consumed by the networking sites all the time and do not have time to socialize with their immediate neighbors. On top of that, the time spent on social networking sites by people has been increasing exponentially since the discovery of the sites (DasGupta 159). This means that people have reduced the time spent on other issues to concentrate on social networking. Among the most affected time is the time people spend on work and this has led to loss of a lot of productive time thus, reducing efficiency in working places. This has made some organizations to prohibit their emp loyees from visiting social networking sites during working hours. When people are networking online, it is difficult to authenticate the information that they provide. Consequently, people have used this weakness of the internet to their advantage by giving false information about themselves to unsuspecting people in the social networking sites. On top of that, children are also at risk of being misused especially by sex predators because they can easily access the children’s information from online sites and lure them into meeting face to face. In conjunction with that, the social networking sites make people to feel connected with the world while in actual sense they are not (Bradburne 193).Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has been proofed to increase the feeling of loneliness among people and thus leading to psychological and emotional trauma. In addition to that, there is no limit as to what people can post on the social networking sites and this has been a cause of concern as people have taken advantage of this to post provocative information and pictures which not only cause emotional trauma but also death. Conclusion Social networking is an inevitable aspect of human live because of the way that it has been incorporated in the day to day activities of people. People meet, connect, learn and do their business through social networking sites. With the advancement in technology, the importance of social networking is increasing and it is important that people learn how to deal with it given the adverse effects that it can have. Bradburne, Alan. Practical Rails Social Networking Sites. New York: Apress, 2007. Print. DasGupta, Subhasish. Social Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Appl ications. Hershey: Idea Group, 2009. Print Harwood, Mike. Security Strategies in Web Applications and Social Networking. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett, 2010. Print. Mason, Robin, and Frank Rennie. E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook: Resources for Higher Education. London: Routledge, 2008. Print. Niciejewska, Katharina. The Influence of Social Networks in Japanese Business-Kairetsu as a Japanese Network. Munchen: GRIN Verlag, 2007. Print. Raje, Fiona. Negotiating the Transport System: User Contexts, Experiences and Needs. Farnham: Ashgate Publishers, 2007. Print. Rosenbloom, Bert. Marketing Channels. Hoboken: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. Smith, Peter, and Ze Zook. Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media. London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2011. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Your Choice essays

Your Choice essays It would be a perfect world if all women used birth control correctly and consistently, and every girl who became pregnant were ecstatic, as well as being capable both financially and emotionally to raise their child. However, until that day comes we need to keep abortion legal. In the United States, people are blessed to have many freedoms. Americans have freedom of expression, freedom of speech and many others liberties. Our society has the privilege to choose and decide many things for our benefit also. Women should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to have a baby. The government telling us what to do and not to do with our bodies only causes more problems. Laws against abortion would cause more death horror stories. Without the option of terminating an unwanted pregnancy, women would resort to drastic measures. We would see women getting backroom abortions which were dirty and done by incompetent people for money. They would use such options as coat hangers or knitting needles, overdose on drugs, or take poison. Many women would try to self-abort by inflicting pain on themselves: by throwing themselves down stairs, doing strenuous work or exercise, or deliberately overworking themselves to exhaustion. In the cases of rape and incest the very idea of being forced to have the child of the woman's abuser is repulsive. Could you imagine having a constant reminder of the abuse? It is also true that women whose own health is compromised during pregnancy are more likely to miscarry and to deliver babies who are sick. Their babies are also more likely to die soon after birth. Women whos pregnancies which are unwanted are often less likely to get prenatal care and are statistically more likely to use cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs during their pregnancy, and are more likely to give birth to low birth weight, sick babies, as well as not breast feed. Should a baby be forced to be brought up under ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 155

Essay Example Socialism is often perceived, by many, as the softest form of Communism. It is a political, social, and economic structure that advocates â€Å"collectiveness,† which grants the means of production and distribution of goods into the hands of the government and out of the hands of companies and individuals; essentially eliminating â€Å"private† property all together. Libertarianism and Conservativism were the two most common and widely embraced political and governmental ideologies throughout large parts of Europe in the 19th century. However, towards the latter part of the 19th century the socialist ideology first became more popular. No doubt a direct reaction to the Capitalist ideology that was ideal for the upper class, but was far less beneficial for the working class and the poor, made Socialism so attractive. Karl Marx wrote the â€Å"Communist Manifesto,† detailing his vision of the ideal society; he believed that could never be achieved through Capitalism. Capitalism is like a pyramid it is really only going to be beneficial for those at the apex, never those at the foundational base. Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German born philosopher and thinker. He became a journalist and harsh political critic with strong opinions, many of which were rather controversial. His socialist and budding communist views would ultimately get him literally exiled from both France and Germany. He would eventually spend his exile in London, England, where he would ultimately remain until his death at the age of 65. He believed that the class struggle would never end and the gap between them would only widen. He believed that Capitalism was, in fact, a kind of â€Å"dictatorship of the bourgeoisies.† Eventually their irreconcilable differences would result in the fall of Capitalism and then the people would implement Socialism. However, Marx

Friday, October 18, 2019

Service learning paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service learning paper - Assignment Example The teaching is scheduled for the weekend, and this means that the service hours are not counted by the other organizations and I can manage to work on other works. The service project has been of great value to my education level. I have managed to discover that it is a powerful resource that has simmered through my education. This resource has a great impact on my students since they enjoy learning the Arabic language and their culture. It is enjoyable since the academic and behavioral aspects that are involved through the students distract me. However, through the service projects I have managed to discover that the students develop inspiring moment when service challenges are presented to them. My encounter with the kids at school reminds me of my initial youthful enthusiasm, and energy that I had as a student that contributed to my improvement in school. I feel important teaching Arabic languages to students who are born and raised in America, since this offers them an opportuni ty to learn about their cultures. The service project has enabled me to gain knowledge and skills, and this has improved my individual confidence and care. Teaching basic Arabic in the Erie Islamic Culture Center is important since I get to perfect my skills in Arabic language. Interacting with children can also be described as a great experience since I get to learn virtues like patience that I can apply in my daily activities. Through the scheduled services hours I get time to study and the teaching does not affect my studies since it is scheduled during the weekends when I do not have classes. The service project had a great financial value to me in both direct and indirect ways although it was voluntary. I managed to get a job where I could work during my individual free time. The time scheduled for teaching was convenient with me and I never was disrupted from attending my studies considering that they happened during the weekends. In an indirect manner, I managed to gain exper ience that I would apply in my future career. I was exposed to children at an early age and this motivated me to be more planned since my major aspect was the assessment and reflection of my assigned project. This would be easier in the future since I would be recommended by the school as an effective teacher and getting a stable job when am done with my studies would be easier. This role provided a positive linkage of both the academic and social learning and it enabled me to evaluate my student learning. The community takes a big part in the development of social services; it should contribute to the fostering of a successful cooperation among individuals. It should focus on the creation of project opportunities that enable individuals to become more exposed of their future careers. Given this chance as students, we apply our academic learning to the real-life problems through the exploration and development of our interests in both the public and community services. The indulgent of the community in the service project means that individuals have the chance to develop interpersonal teamwork, since they manage to interact with many individuals in the community. They also develop leadership skills through the services they exemplify in the society, as individuals their value of self- efficiency develops through the recognition of their individual efforts. This develops a positive feedback

Position Arguments on Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Position Arguments on Immigration - Essay Example en (160) points out some of these central immigration setbacks such as political tussles and dissension, multiplex wide contradictory state standpoints which have resulted in subsidized final U.S.A immigration procedures (161). Steve points out that vast attempts by the developing nations to combat immigration via coming up with new rules has flopped. Tim Johnson (163) proclaims in his Free Trade: As U.S.A Corn Flows South, Mexicans Stop Farming that free trade standpoint is not the perfect option in curbing immigration since controlled by vast firms (and bureaus) and managed by global associates such as the International Monetary Fund altogether with North America Free Trade Agreement which as a result has led to disparity and inconsistencies among the Latin American states overall financial systems (164). Brandon Hill (168) in Tennessee Daily Life points out that this financial recession came about after vast agribusiness agencies purchased large territories of Mexican cultivation lands and hence compelling the poverty-stricken inhabitants to shift and resettle. The unsettled poverty-stricken individuals result to seeking refuge from advanced states inclusive of the United States of America. Samuel P. Huntington (169) in his The Special Case of Mexican Immigration asserts that it is prerequisite to differentiate between settlers and immigrants, quoting that immigrants transverse between one or several societies (or communities for that matter). Huntington shows concern over the unwon immigrant’s battle. He points outs that, if for instance, the immigrants were issued with documents of residents after every ten years since 19th century; almost 1% of the emigration menace would have been cleared each succeeding year (170). In addition, David L. Altheide (180) in his The Arizona Syndrome: Propaganda and the Politics of Fear proclaims that fear has largely constituted into the contemporary erroneous statistics in the mass media concerning the illicit emigrants

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How do You Think a Confucian, a Daoist, and a Legalist would Evaluate Essay

How do You Think a Confucian, a Daoist, and a Legalist would Evaluate Asoka as a Ruler - Essay Example Asoka was inclined to fundamental values such as love, tolerance and was a devotee of nonviolence (Andrea and Overfield 143). Asoka was a peace-loving ruler who tried to instill a secular state ethic of non-violence. This clearly matches the arguments of the Confucius that claims that persons in a position of superiority were supposed to set an admirable example of moral behavior. This is what Asoka did (Andrea and Overfield 90). According to the Confucian doctrines, the politics are highly valued. They believe that politics is closely related to eternal life. The doctrines back up social issues that are indispensable as far as the livelihood of people is concerned. Because of this, aspects such as domestic order, preserve tradition, constant standard of living for the taxpaying peasants are highly valued. The Confucian theory is anchored on the belief that a ruler who cannot exemplify moral behavior is bound to loss the Mandate of Heaven. The Confucian doctrines aim at nurturing val ues such as compassion, traditional rituals, allegiance, and respect for superiors (Andrea and Overfield 92). The Confucius tends to value the family and community than the individual. This means that for one to be recognized by the Confucian, he or she must be able to assist the community. Egocentric is highly disregarded. From the religious perspective, Confucians worship the ancestors. They are still inclined to the traditional beliefs. Asoka argues that the relationship with the parents and living creatures should be firmly established. Ideally, the ruler should himself be such a model. For this, Asoka may be seen as an able ruler whose style of leadership style largely intertwines with the doctrine of Confucius (Andrea and Overfield 143). Legalism is anchored on the fact that people, by nature are evil, selfish, and untrustworthy. This philosophy aims at addressing the features of the people. It has one limitation in that it does not address the meaning of life. According to th e philosophy, law is the main tool through which people can be made to live in harmony. Because of this, the philosophy claims that the law code should be clearly availed to the public. Public must have access to the law code so that they can do according to the law. Failure to do meet these conditions may tempt people to commit crimes. The philosophy believes that the law makes people equal before the stipulated law codes (Andrea and Overfield 96). Nevertheless, the law states that those who break the law should be punished. Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate the fact that the measures that were taken provided some assurance of predictability. Similarly, the ruler has no significant impact or influence on the rule of law as it is predominantly run by the state and not him. Asoka became a successful ruler after a successful execution of military conquests. He waged war at Kalinga. This brings him out as a forceful ruler (Andrea and Overfield 143). A legalist would rate Asoka a n inferior leader. Legalism stated that ruler should be in a position to employ some leadership tactics. This would ensure that he or she is under control of others. It also ensures that no one may claim the control over the state. They claim that this is possible because no one could possibly predict the motivations of the ruler like Asoka. Consequently, it is even hard to understand the appropriate behavior for the successful execution and following of laws (Andrea and Over

A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics Essay

A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics - Essay Example Moreover, a large number of the discoveries made by these prominent mathematicians have a basis in the medicine, technologies, and science that are currently common place (Hazewinkel 8). All in all, there are some recognized individuals who have made significant contributions to mathematics and their names cannot be disregarded. One of these significant people is Pythagoras. This paper will look at Pythagoras as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of mathematics. Pythagoras made leading contributions to religious and philosophical teachings in the final period of the 6th century BC. Pythagoras is frequently venerated as a great mystic, mathematician, and scientist. Also, he is largely associated with the Pythagorean Theorem which was named after him. Nevertheless, because obfuscation and legend obscure his work even more than that of the other philosophers who existed during the pre-Socratic period, individuals are only compelled to only provide specula tive accounts of his instructions, and a number of people have questioned if made much contribution to natural philosophy and mathematics. It may be argued that a large composition of the achievements credited to Pythagoras may in reality have been achievements of his successors and colleagues. In addition, whether or not his followers believed that everything was connected to mathematics and that numbers were the definitive reality is not known. It has also been asserted that Pythagoras was the first person to refer to himself as a philosopher. A philosopher refers to an individual who loves wisdom. It has also been argued that his notions employed a marked inspiration on Plato, and through him, the entire philosophy in the West. Additionally, Pythagoras was very properly educated (Malone 22). He was also inspired by several philosophers while he was a child. The most significant philosophers who inspired him include Thales and Pherekydes. Thales was the one who introduced him to m athematical concepts. Pythagoras became interested in cosmology, astronomy, and math because of Thales. Pythagoras was fascinated by all concepts of mathematics. Pythagoras was captivated by numbers and the concept of numbers. He developed a theory which asserted that every relation would be decreased to some form of number. In addition, he developed a theory on scales and ratios being created with the reverberation of vibrating strings. His ideas made a tremendous contribution to the music theory. Moreover, Pythagoras researched numerous different forms of numbers, for example, perfect squares, odd numbers, and triangles. He supposed that every number was unique and different and contained its own individual characteristic. For instance, it may be argued that ten is the most suitable number because it has four successive integers, that is, 1+2+3+4=10. However, the most tremendous contribution made by Pythagoras to the field of mathematics in the current period is Pythagoras theorem . Pythagoras has always been given credit for developing the Pythagoras theorem since the 4th century AD. The Pythagoras theorem is a theorem in geometry which explains that in all right-angled triangles the area of the square on the side opposite the right angle is equivalent to the aggregate of the squares of the other two sides. While the Pythagoras theorem was previously known and employed by the Indians and Babylonians, he or his apprentices, are frequently said to have developed the foremost evidence (Hermann 76). Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that the manner in which the Indians and Babylonians dealt with Pythagorean numbers indicates that they were aware that the idea was, in general, valid, and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How do You Think a Confucian, a Daoist, and a Legalist would Evaluate Essay

How do You Think a Confucian, a Daoist, and a Legalist would Evaluate Asoka as a Ruler - Essay Example Asoka was inclined to fundamental values such as love, tolerance and was a devotee of nonviolence (Andrea and Overfield 143). Asoka was a peace-loving ruler who tried to instill a secular state ethic of non-violence. This clearly matches the arguments of the Confucius that claims that persons in a position of superiority were supposed to set an admirable example of moral behavior. This is what Asoka did (Andrea and Overfield 90). According to the Confucian doctrines, the politics are highly valued. They believe that politics is closely related to eternal life. The doctrines back up social issues that are indispensable as far as the livelihood of people is concerned. Because of this, aspects such as domestic order, preserve tradition, constant standard of living for the taxpaying peasants are highly valued. The Confucian theory is anchored on the belief that a ruler who cannot exemplify moral behavior is bound to loss the Mandate of Heaven. The Confucian doctrines aim at nurturing val ues such as compassion, traditional rituals, allegiance, and respect for superiors (Andrea and Overfield 92). The Confucius tends to value the family and community than the individual. This means that for one to be recognized by the Confucian, he or she must be able to assist the community. Egocentric is highly disregarded. From the religious perspective, Confucians worship the ancestors. They are still inclined to the traditional beliefs. Asoka argues that the relationship with the parents and living creatures should be firmly established. Ideally, the ruler should himself be such a model. For this, Asoka may be seen as an able ruler whose style of leadership style largely intertwines with the doctrine of Confucius (Andrea and Overfield 143). Legalism is anchored on the fact that people, by nature are evil, selfish, and untrustworthy. This philosophy aims at addressing the features of the people. It has one limitation in that it does not address the meaning of life. According to th e philosophy, law is the main tool through which people can be made to live in harmony. Because of this, the philosophy claims that the law code should be clearly availed to the public. Public must have access to the law code so that they can do according to the law. Failure to do meet these conditions may tempt people to commit crimes. The philosophy believes that the law makes people equal before the stipulated law codes (Andrea and Overfield 96). Nevertheless, the law states that those who break the law should be punished. Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate the fact that the measures that were taken provided some assurance of predictability. Similarly, the ruler has no significant impact or influence on the rule of law as it is predominantly run by the state and not him. Asoka became a successful ruler after a successful execution of military conquests. He waged war at Kalinga. This brings him out as a forceful ruler (Andrea and Overfield 143). A legalist would rate Asoka a n inferior leader. Legalism stated that ruler should be in a position to employ some leadership tactics. This would ensure that he or she is under control of others. It also ensures that no one may claim the control over the state. They claim that this is possible because no one could possibly predict the motivations of the ruler like Asoka. Consequently, it is even hard to understand the appropriate behavior for the successful execution and following of laws (Andrea and Over

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The stochastic Poisson model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The stochastic Poisson model - Essay Example The Poisson process is a stochastic process, which describes events that occur independently from one another and continuously. Stochastic processes are part of probability theory and are used to describe random processes. They are based on a level of indeterminacy, which means that the final outcome is unknown although some paths and outcomes are more likely than others. (Doob, 1953) The Stochastic Poisson model has been used to describe processes like rainfall, the telephone calls that arrive at a switchboard, radioactive decay of atoms, and the page views of a website. Its use to describe the decision making of a juror is a relatively new and exotic application. When applied to decision making a Poisson process can be catalogued as special case of renewal theory (Cox, 1962). This model was proposed by Thomas and Hogue (1976) as a descriptive model in juror decision making. The model describes the jurors choice making as a two step process. In the first place the juror must consider the evidence to create a final estimate of the weight of the case against or for the defendant. Secondly, each juror has an individual decision criterion that allocates the apparent weight of evidence into "for" and "against" decision zones. According to this model a juror will only decide against a defendant if the weight of evidence exceeds his personal decision criterion. This means that the confidence of a juror in any particular decision will be a mathematical function of the distance between the apparent weight of the evidence and their personal decision criterion. The further away these parameters are the stronger the confidence of the juror in a particular decision. The indeterminacy of this process lies in the assumption that the apparent weight of evidence, or the perception of the weight of evidence, is randomly distributed among jurors. Thomas and Hogues (1976) decided to use an exponential probability density function to describe the way jurors arrived at a

Fashion for a cause Essay Example for Free

Fashion for a cause Essay Having a ribbon on your outfit to support a cause is a thing of past. Today a brand needs to be more deeply involved with different social causes as well as provide us with fashionable clothes. But what is the primary motivation for a buyer in this scenario? Does he buy such products because he wants to support the social cause behind it or because of the product itself and the brand name it carries? Is it just a onetime buy? Is the consumer completely aware about the social concern the product is working for? Are the Indian customers ready to adopt such brands? Objectives 1. To understand if there is a direct relationship between the social concern factor and the brand equity of the product. 2. To know the primary motivation of the buyer of such brands. 3. To check the brand loyalty of these consumers for such brands. 4. To check if the consumers are aware of the social concern around which the product is being promoted. 5. To check if the consumers in India are ready to adopt such social brands. 2 CHAPTER 2 3 Review of Literature (Fernandez, 2013) ‘It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving,’ wise words by Mother Teresa. In today’s world that is fuelled by money, it is endearing to find people who try to fuel the world with love and so, it is in this nature that companies have started to verge toward campaigns themed with more ‘selfless giving‘. In the past few years there have been a trend towards various noble causes: charity events, concerts, and other philanthropic endeavours brought about by various companies in a number of industries. There are also a wide a number of advocacies that include: AIDS, HIV, cancer, global warming, gay rights, and many others, in need of charitable donations. And while the whole idea of fashion-brands-going-the-extra-mile-for-a-better-cause may give us the warm feeling and a restored faith in humanity, there is still that quiet looming reminder that in the world of business, nothing comes free. (Times of India, 2013) Fashion may be used to promote a cause, for example, to promote healthy behaviour, to raise money for a cancer cure, to raise money for local charities, for example a Juvenile Protective Association, (Martin, 2013) or to raise donations for a childrens hospitals. (Sultan, 2011) â€Å"Most people do not take the time to donate to the charities yet a small donation can make a very big difference in another persons life. The most important aspect of donating to charity is the fact that you will be helping out a needy person get basic human necessities improving a life in the process. † In today’s busy life not many people take out time to make donations and do charity work but everyone has time to buy new clothes and if buying these clothes can help someone in need wouldn’t that be worth it? (Singh, 2013) â€Å"The global appeal and charitable nature of stores like Being Human not only gives a unique shopping experience to the customers, but also gives them satisfaction of doing good. † The idea of following a film star always appeals to the masses. (Khan, 2013) â€Å"All fashion labels are about looking good, Being Human is also about doing good. † (Beig, 2013) â€Å"Wearing Being Human means you ‘look good, do good’ because you help people by the simple act of slipping on your clothes every day. † (Mandhana, 2013) â€Å"The ‘Being Human’ line is designed to offer comfort, quality and style while supporting an endeavour of good cause. † (Chase, 2009) In a study of how a clothing brands affiliation with a social cause would affect buyers spending habits the research team conducted a survey of Generation Y college students to find out how their support of an existing line of apparel, 7 For All Mankind, might change should the brand begin campaigning with, say, Breast Cancer Awareness. The study reported that both college men and women would hold such brands to a higher esteem in general, and 89% would likely switch from Brand A to Brand B if Brand B was associated with a socially/environmentally focused cause (assuming price and quality are held constant). Additionally, 72. 4% stated they had intentionally purchased a brand name product due to the fact that the brand was affiliated with a cause they agreed with. 4 (Markson, 2012) Purpose is being integrated into marketing efforts in more concerted ways and with favourable consumer response. According to Markson, the marketing world is coming to an understanding that purpose must carry as much weight in crafting an effective ad campaign as the traditional Four Ps of Marketing: Price, Placement, Product and Promotion. In the United States, after quality and price, social purpose (at 47 percent) ranks higher as a purchase motivator than brand loyalty (27 percent) and design and innovation (26 percent). In addition, if a brand of similar quality supports a good cause, 75 percent of consumers claim they would buy it and 76 percent claim they would recommend and share positive experiences about such a brand. Sixty-two percent of U. S. consumers say they would also switch brands if a brand of similar quality supported a good cause. Finally, U. S. consumers willingness to actually promote a brand that supports a good cause jumped 19 percent from 2008 (47 percent) to 2010 (66 percent). (Barkley Cause Survey, 2010) A full 88 percent of American men say it is important for a brand to support a cause. Such a finding points to a new masculine ideal taking hold, an evolution beyond the bad-boy tough guy ideal. American men are comfortable with having a good heart. Maybe they dont want to wear it on their sleeve. But they do want to contribute through their purchases, and in fact a majority demands it, 55 percent of men said they would switch brands from a company that did not support a cause to one that did. (Storm, 2013) Fashion is fun, but sometimes it’s more than that. Certain brands answer to a higher calling than simply making shoppers look fabulous and consumers seem willing to pay extra for it. According to Nielsen’s Global Corporate Citizenship Survey, 46 percent of consumers are willing to pay more for products and services from companies that give back to society. (Nielsen, 2012) New findings from a Nielsen survey of more than 28,000 online respondents from 56 countries around the world provide fresh insights to help businesses better understand the right audience for cause marketers, which programs resonate most strongly with this audience, and what marketing methods may be most effective in reaching these consumers. In the study, respondents were asked if they prefer to buy products and services from companies that implement programs that give back to society. Anticipating a positive response bias, respondents were also asked whether they would be willing to pay extra for those services. For the purposes of this study, Nielsen defines the â€Å"socially conscious consumer† as those who say they would be willing to pay the extra. Two thirds (66%) of consumers around the world say they prefer to buy products and services from companies that have implemented programs to give back to society. That preference extends to other matters, too: they prefer to work for these companies (62%), and invest in these companies (59%). A smaller share, but still nearly half (46%) say they are willing to pay extra for products and services from these companies. These are the â€Å"socially conscious consumers,† as defined by and focused upon in this report. Sixty three percent of global, socially-conscious consumers are under age 40, they consult social media when making purchase decisions and are most concerned about environmental, educational and hunger causes, according to a new study from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy. 5 6 Few of the brands I came across during my research: 2. 1 Sseko Designs Mission and Impact on Sseko Designs official webpage: Sseko Designs uses fashion to provide employment and scholarship opportunities to women pursuing their dreams and overcoming poverty. To date, theyve enabled 33 to continue on to University. They provide employment (along with access to a comprehensive social impact program) to their team of 45 women in Uganda. And they do it all through a financially selfsustaining model. Issue 1: Female students, due to a lack of economic opportunity, are not able to continue on to university and pursue leadership positions in society. Solution 1: Sseko Designs provides employment during the 9 month gap between high school and university where high potential young women are able to earn and save enough money to pay for college tuition. 50% of their salary each month goes into a savings account that is not accessible until tuition is due. This ensures that their income goes towards education. This also protects the women in the program from the social pressure they often feel from their families to give away the money they are earning which can perpetuate the cycle of poverty. At the end of each term, Sseko Designs grants university scholarships that match up to 100% of the savings each woman has made during her 9 month session with Sseko. Issue 2: In a patriarchal and male dominated society, women are not afforded the same employment and economic opportunities as their male counterparts. Although 66% of the worlds labour is done by women, they own less than 1% of the worlds assets. As long as women are not afforded educational and professional equality, extreme poverty will continue to exist. Solution 2: For every dollar a women in a developing economy earn, she will reinvest 90% of it into her family. Empower a woman and you empower an entire community. In addition to providing employment to women working their way towards university, Sseko partners with women from all walks of life. Sseko employs university graduates who comprise the upper level management team. These are women that use their education, experience and voice to help shape their company. Sseko also works to provide employment for women who have aged out of the education system and have no other form of income generation. They partner with a local non-profit in Uganda that works with young women who have recently come out of the commercial sex industry. Providing stable, dignifying and fair wage employment is a key component to keeping women from entering back into prostitution. They believe that every woman has the capacity to end the cycle of poverty and that it can be done in a way that is fair, dignifying, honouring and life-giving. Issue 3: Although charities and non-profits play a vital and necessary role in all societies, sometimes charity and aid can play a negative role by enabling dependencies and damaging the local economies. Like any of us, our African friends need and desire opportunity, dignity, job creation and empowerment. Solution 3: Instead of treating the symptoms, they aim to address the deeper, underlying issues of extreme poverty. Although Sseko Designs has been built for the purpose of impacting a 7 specific social sector, they have chosen very intentionally to use a sustainable, self-sufficient business model to do this. Their hope is to help create industry and fair-trade with the belief that a large component of economic development lies in the business sector. They believe in the power of responsible consumerism. Instead of competing for limited donor dollars, they hope consumers will think about the story behind their stuff. If they considered the impact that each product they consume has on the lives of those who produced that product and chose to see consumerism as a force and opportunity for positive social change, they believe the world would be filled with beautiful products with even more beautiful stories. 2. 2 World Clothes Line Everyone loves the smell of a clean t-shirt. Or the feeling of a new sweatshirt, soft. Or the look of a brand new outfit, confident and ready to conquer the day. Yet every day, millions of people around the world do not have a clean change of clothes. No options. No choice. World Clothes Line is dedicated to helping them. World Clothes Line will match every item sold with a new item for someone in need. Therefore, when customers purchase merchandise for themselves, they also provide clothing for others. In January 2010, World Clothes Line was born. 2. 2. 1 Their Vision As given in their name, their vision is to clothe the world. At World Clothes Line, they give clothes to people who need them. Through the generosity of their customers and dedication of their team, they hope to spread their message and continually help others. Their shoot for the stars goal is to create an active clothing collection for every country of the world. 2. 2. 2 Their Clothes Their styles are basic: t-shirts, sweatshirts, pants. Their main concerns are functionality, protection, and comfort. The designs are unique. They find that most people are inspired by the world. Every World Clothes Line collection is designed specifically to reflect its countrys people and culture. World Clothes Line is a socially conscious brand. All items are manufactured sweatshop-free at fair wages with environmentally-friendly practices. 8 2. 2. 3 Why Clothes? Clothing is one of our most basic needs. It ranks among air, food, water, and shelter. Clothing provides protection from the elements, reducing the effects of sun exposure, wind rash, and frostbite. It also provides defence against diseases, many of which are spread through mosquitoes and other insect bites. Proper clothing contributes to cleanliness, comfort, ease of movement and overall health. The simple act of changing and washing clothes can prevent infection, chafing, skin disorders and the spreading of viruses. However, in cases of extreme poverty, clothing is often one of the first needs to be ignored. Statistically, more than one billion people in the world live on less than one dollar a day. Almost 2. 7 billion people (thats 40% of our population) survive on less than two dollars per day. In such circumstances, daily necessities like food and water take top priority. Clothing, which can be reworn, therefore is reworn. Day after day. After day At World Clothes Line, they make clothes their number one priority. 2. 3 No One Without N. O. W: One At A Time No One Without water is their non-stop mission. Every product in a purchase provides clean water to one person for 25 years through a concrete Bio-sand filtration system and their partnership with Thirst Relief International. Studies have proven that these filters effectively remove more than 90% of bacteria and 100% of the parasites found in untreated water. Nearly one billion people lack access to clean water and each year 2. 5 million people die from contaminated water, 90% are under 5 years old. The World Health Organization has declared a worldwide water crisis among the worlds poorest people. Society has conditioned us to be overwhelmed with statistics and the quantity of need in the world. The easy thought process is to say theres too much and Im only one person. By taking one step at a time, one day at a time, one person at a time, theyre breaking down numbers and they believe in the power of one. 9 No One Without has aligned themselves with the Thirst Relief mission: To overcome death and disease resulting from the consumption of contaminated water by providing safe, clean water to those in need around the world. 2. 3. 1 Why Water? The solution to the clean drinking water need is found in the concrete Bio-sand filter. The Biosand filter has the ability to produce safe, clean drinking water from both contaminated surface water, and ground water sources. As a result, the simple yet affective technology provides a long-term, sustainable and economical drinking water solution to those in poverty stricken areas around the world. Thirst Relief International currently has Bio-sand filter placements in Brazil, Cameroon, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. No One Without will follow Thirst Relief International around the globe on the quest for clean water. 10 2. 4 TOMS In 2006, American traveller Blake Mycoskie befriended children in a village in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Realizing this movement could serve other basic needs, TOMS Eyewear was launched. With every pair purchased, TOMS will help give sight to a person in need. One for One. Over the past seven years, theyve listened and learned with every pair of new shoes given. With the support of their amazing network of Giving Partners and the continued support of their community, theyve reached this major milestone and proven that business can fuel good and sustain giving. They have seen remarkable results with shoe giving. Shoes are helping improve school attendance and enrolment. Theyre combined with screenings to combat malnutrition. Theyre given in conjunction with medication to fight hookworm. Further, their model is one that can work beyond shoes. Since they launched TOMS Eyewear, theyve helped restore sight to more than 150,000 individuals around the world. And they look forward to finding new ways to help others. They currently make Giving Pairs in Ethiopia, Kenya, Argentina and China. Within two years, they will produce one third of their Giving Shoes in the regions where they give them. By producing more shoes locally they will create and support jobs in places where they are needed. They are testing production in India and are looking to expand manufacturing in Africa and other regions. In Haiti, they are in the early stages of getting production off the ground. Theyve also partnered with local artists to create a line of hand-painted shoes for their customers helping create and support jobs in a place where they also give. And theyre looking to offer more styles that feature locally produced textiles. Their sight giving empowers communities and supports sustainable eye-care organizations in the developing world. They work with locally based organizations that train residents to provide professional care. So its an investment in clinics, people and even local jobs. 11 2. 5 Common Threadz Common Threadz is a non-profit organization helping orphans vulnerable children in developing nations to reach their full potential through the empowerment of the children, their caretakers the local grass roots community organizations that support them. 2. 5. 1 School Uniforms for Orphans Vulnerable Children This was the first initiative that Common Threadz created in 2008. For every t-shirt or bracelet that they sell from their Shop to Help Store, they give a school uniform to an orphan or vulnerable child (OVC) so they can go to, or stay in school. Some of the children they care for had been refused schooling for not being able to afford a uniform. Uniforms are a requirement in most schools in Africa and they want to make sure that all these children have the chance to go to school, make friends and learn so that they can reach their full potential. Since the inception of this program, hundreds of uniforms have been handed over to OVC’s. Typically a uniform will last a year and so there is an ongoing need for uniforms. As the caregivers they continuously work to identify the OVC’s in need and as support for this program grows, they plan to hand over many more uniforms in the future. 2. 5. 2 Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Mentor Program They currently operate a mentor program in Obanjeni, South Africa. This program teams responsible and employed adults from the local community with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC’s) as role models on a one-to-one basis. Each of their mentors supports many children, meeting with each child for at least one hour per week. The mentors spend time helping with homework, chatting about personal hygiene, advising on healthy lifestyles and most of all, listening to the child. In some cases these mentors have come back to them to report abuse and a child has had to be moved to a place of safety and the police and social workers are called in. The mentors are their ears and eyes in the community. The program has rolled out with many young children and teenagers benefiting greatly. Still in its infancy, this program has been a great success and will be replicated and expanded moving forward. 2. 5. 3 The Feeding Program Common Threadz provides the funding and nutritional guidance for grassroots non-profit organizations in rural South Africa, such as Siyathuthuka Obanjeni, to provide daily meals to over 200 orphans and vulnerable children (OVC’s) that they have identified in the area. Proper nutrition is a fundamental need for the children to grow and learn and although the government says that it’s a child’s right not to go hungry, this is far from the reality for many thousands of children in South Africa. This program has grown from its inception last year when caregivers began to cook three meals a week for children after school. Now an employed cook prepares a cooked meal every day for the children to eat after school and in April 2010 they started to provide high protein porridge for the children to eat on their way to school, as the teachers have indicated that it is very difficult for the children to concentrate when they are hungry. 12 Once again this program has much room to expand and reach many more needy OVC’s but it would not be possible without the support of their customers. 2. 5. 4 Shoes for Kids This program complements the School Uniforms Programme by providing new school shoes to barefoot children in need, namely orphans and vulnerable children (OVC’s). School uniforms might give these children entrance to school, however many of them walk for up to four hours a day to go to school barefoot. A new pair of school shoes is usually the only new pair of shoes most of these children will ever receive and for most of them it will be the only pair of shoes they will own. All it takes is $10 to provide an OVC with a new pair of shoes so that they can go to school with confidence. 2. 6 Threads for Thought What began as a small business manufacturing and marketing graphic tee shirts that were made exclusively from organic cotton, gave back to charity, and promoted a cleaner environment, or advocated for peace, has grown into a complete lifestyle brand. They have never deviated from their primary mission, to promote a sense of responsibility for those who share this world with us, but rather than simply broadcasting that message on the front of tee shirts, the company has incorporated those principles into their very existence. 2. 6. 1 How their threads are sustainable Threads 4 Thought fabrics are made using the most sustainable materials possible such as organically grown cotton and polyester derived from recycled water bottles. Their fabrics are dyed using low impact dyes whenever possible often the water used in the dye process is purified and then reused rather than being discarded. 13 2. 6. 2 Organic Cotton vs. Conventional Cotton ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Organic cotton is 90% less toxic than conventional cotton. Conventional cotton crops use more than 25% of all the insecticides in the world and 12% of all the pesticides while growing on only 2. 5 % of cultivated lands in the world. Organic cotton uses untreated seeds that are never genetically modified while conventional cotton uses genetically modified seeds, hurting the crops soil over time. Organic Cotton plants stay strong through crop rotation and retain water efficiently due to increased organic matter in the soil. Conventional cotton plants use synthetic fertilizers. Organic Cotton fields use seasonal freezes and water management for defoliation. Conventional cotton does this through the use of toxic chemicals. Weeds are physically removed by hand hoeing and cultivation. Farmers use beneficial insects and trap crops to control pests. Conventional cotton uses a toxic aerial spraying technique. 2. 6. 3 Turning Plastic into fashion 1. The plastics are sorted according to colour and SNV plastics. 2. Next, the plastic goes through a sterilization process. Then, it is dried and crushed into chips. Next, liquefaction occurs under high temperatures, as a mixture of the recycled chips and some new plastic from petroleum derivatives are melted together to form a smooth, syrup-like material. 3. The first threads are formed when the liquefied material is forced through holes and exposed to air. The hardened threads, called tow, then go through a strengthening process. 4. The drawing process strengthens the molecular bonds of the tow; the tow is pulled to double their size and then shrunken. 5. The threads then go through a dryer where they develop a woolly texture. The texture is inspected for strength and thickness, and then spun into a finer yarn that is then ready to be dyed and knit into fabric. 14 2. 7 147 Million Orphans Profits from 147 Million Orphans are directed to the 147 Million Orphans Foundation, where they are given to Love+ 1 Projects and feeding programs. The 147 Million Orphans Foundation was created to impact the lives of children through the provision of food, water, and medicine. They invest directly in projects that help provide these basic needs to those who desperately need it, and most of their projects occur in Haiti, Honduras, and Uganda. As with any good foundation you must lay one brick at a time. Whether that is a medical clinic in Haiti, homes in Honduras, Water Wells in Sudan, or a store house full of food for Uganda, they want to show the love of Christ. The rebuilding of the wall in Nehemiah was accomplished by people just doing their part and helping others to do theirs. The Love+ 1 projects are steps in rebuilding, and they would love for us to be a part of the rebuilding. 2. 7. 1 During 2012 and 2013, the Love+ 1 Projects Included: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Provided funding for over 100,000 meals for children in Uganda, Haiti, and Honduras Helped to build clean water wells in Sudan and Honduras Provided funding for HIV education and medicine in Uganda and Haiti Provided funding for a vehicle, appliances and kitchen construction for an orphanage in Haiti Funded the construction costs of 27 homes in Mt. Olivos, Honduras for displaced families. These 2 bedroom, concrete homes with running water are allowing families to remain intact and raise their children in a healthy environment. They are building a strong community, including a school and a weekly worship service. Provided over 150 cans of formula to an infant feeding nutrition program in Haiti Raised $200,000 of the $250,000 needed for construction of the Love+ 1 Medical Centre in Gressier, Haiti where there are currently no medical or dental facilities available to the 35,000 residents. This centre will include a doctor’s office with a pharmacy, a dental office, an urgent care clinic, and an operating room. This clinic will be located on land adjoining a school that currently serves over 400 children. Raising the final $50,000 and beginning construction of the Love+ 1 Medical Centre in Haiti – a 5,000 square foot facility with medical and dental facilities for a community of 35,000 people with no medical care. The medical facility is expected to open in October 2013 with ongoing funding needs for supplies and equipment. Construction of a tilapia pond for the community of Mt. Olivos, Honduras. Completion of the construction of all homes in Mt. Olivos, Honduras. Formula for an infant feeding and nutrition program in Haiti Food and medicine to children in Uganda, Haiti, and Honduras Bedding and supply needs for an orphanage in Uganda Food to children in Tennessee through a weekly backpack program 15 2. 8 I Am A Star I AM A STAR is built on a solid foundation of trust and collaboration. It is rooted in the Somali diaspora communities leadership, and it makes room for the solidarity and creativity of motivated people everywhere. Together, theyre providing relief in Somalia, and shining a light on a culture of poets, artists, mothers and fathers, children, innovators, farmers, businesspeople. Each one, a star in his or her own right. Perched on the very tip of the Horn of Africa, Somalia has suffered two decades of hardship, violence and displacement. Its estimated that 25% of the countrys population have fled their homes, traveling to Kenya and Ethiopia or to other parts of Somalia. Since the summer of 2011, the country has faced a crippling food crisis. Between 50,000 to 100,000 Somalis have died as a result. US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton called it the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world today-and the worst East Africa has seen in decades. Thanks to the spirit and efforts of the worldwide Somali Diaspora and other compassionate individuals, organizations and governments, relief is getting to people who need it. Donors have looked past the negative imagery of Somalia in the media and sent their support. That support has saved the lives of mothers and fathers, children, poets, artists, innovators, farmers, businesspeople, human beings. But there is still so much that needs to be done in Somalia. The famine has ended, but 1 in 5 Somali children are still malnourished. 2. 5 million people are still dependent on food aid in order to survive. It will take an investment of time and great effort to shake off the legacy of 20 years of war and unrest in Somalia. The country has the worlds lowest rates of school enrolment, and experts estimate that 18% of children born in Somalia will not live to age 5. 2. 8. 1 With Support from: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? KNAAN 4Real IDEO Pivotal Labs Heroku Music for Relief Mataano Chef Roble Co. Faarrow Mosaic 16 2. 9 Soles 4 Souls Soles4Souls is a global not-for-profit institution dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty. The organization advances its anti-poverty mission by collecting new and used shoes and clothes from individuals, schools, faith-based institutions, civic organizations and corporate partners, then distributing those shoes and clothes both via direct donations to people in need and by provisioning qualified micro-enterprise programs designed to create jobs in poor and disadvantaged communities. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Soles4Souls is committed to the highest standards of operating and governance, and holds a four-star rating with Charity Navigator. Founded in 2004, Soles4Souls is a global not-for-profit institution dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty through the distribution of shoes and clothing. Soles4Souls distributes shoes and clothing in two ways. Most new items collected primarily from corporations and retailers are given directly to people in need, both in the U. S. and overseas. The organization has relationships with several of the world’s leading apparel brands, which provides Soles4Souls with new but non-marketable overstocks, returns, discontinued models and other shoes or clothing items. At the same time, Soles4Souls receives millions of articles of used shoes and clothing that have been collected by individuals, schools, faith-based institutions, civic organizations and corporate partners. After sorting items in its national warehouse system, Soles4Souls typically sells the used shoes and clothing, as well as some new items allocated by manufacturers, to carefully selected micro-enterprise organizations. These both private and non-profit companies are contracted to provide shipping, financing, inventory, training and other support to ultrasmall businesses in countries like Haiti where there are virtually no jobs to generate personal income. Through the collection and sale of used (and new) clothing and shoes, Soles4Souls helps create self-sustaining jobs that generate desperately needed revenues throughout those communities. The sale of footwear and apparel to support micro-jobs also provides the majority of funding to sustain Soles4Souls operations and further expand its donations of new shoes and clothing. 17 2. 10 FEED FEED Projects mission is to create good products that help FEED the world. They do this through the sale of FEED bags, be

Monday, October 14, 2019

Looking At The Impacts Of Fashion On Society Cultural Studies Essay

Looking At The Impacts Of Fashion On Society Cultural Studies Essay The 1950s were a fascinating time in the United States that left an impressive mark on our society. Fashion during this unforgettable time was extremely imaginative and expressive, and overtime evolved into iconic images that are repeatedly replicated in fashion today. The now famous styles are historical icons in our culture that are recognized by the majority of Americans. The fashion of the 1950s is very memorable to our society because it was, rebellious, captivating, and unique. The 1950s are often thought of as a time with conservative families who had well-behaved children that listened to their parents rules, and lived in cookie cutter suburban communities. While for many this was true, there was also a great deal of teenage rebellion that came out of this era. As the 1950s opened, Americas adolescents were basically a conservative, unrebellious lot.  [1]  At the very start of the 1950s teens idolized the same older generation figures as their parents, so factors for a rebellion were simply not there. However, in the early part of the decade younger idols arose and new cultural factors began the start of a teenage rebellion and, By the late fifties Americas teenagers had acquired a distinct subculture of their own. They had their own money, music, movies, television shows, idols, clothing, and slang.  [2]  They had found their own fashions and they centered on casual dress, instead of the upright fashion of older generations. This rebellion was ea sily expressed through exciting new fashions that had never been seen before. These styles became a vital aspect to the 1950s era that are now recognized and imitated in the fashion world today. The fresh clothing ideas for teenage girls included, rolled-up jeans, full dresses with crinolines, skirts paired with sweaters, casual blouses, blazers, tube dresses, sack dresses, two-piece bathing suits, and brown and white saddle shoes. High school boys were regularly seen in sport shirts, denim jeans with rolled-up cuffs, baggy pegged pants, pleated rouge trousers with a white side stripe, V-neck sweaters, slacks with back buckles, button-down striped shirts, blazers, and loafers.  [3]  Favorite color pallets and designs incorporated into these styles were polka dots, dramatic bright colors, and pale pastel colors.  [4]  One of the up-and-coming teen idols was Rebel without a Cause, James Dean, whose iconic look consisted of a white tee shirt and sport jacket.  [5]  This rol e model led to the same age group of boys showing their own rebellion through a tough attitude, black leather jackets, jeans, and tee shirts with rolled sleeves to hold cigarette packs. This highly rebellious crowd became known as Greasers, a very recognizable subculture. To continue, style in the 1950s was captivating for many Americans of the time. While the style of the rebellious teens is sometimes the spotlight of Fifties fashion, older generations also embraced new fashion ideas. Americans in the 1950s were caught up in many popular fads. Perhaps to take their minds off the looming threats to Americas Securityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [6]  In 1950 popular fashion designer Christian Dior created designs for his concept of the New Look, and it quickly became the epitome of fashion for women at the time. His model emphasized an hourglass shape (still popular today), skintight tailoring, narrow waist, and a full flared skirt. Along with this latest fashion ideal, it was also popular for Fifties women to wear fashion staples such as, stiletto heels, bright red lipstick, hats, and gloves. In the 1950s it was common for women to be housewives, but many were also working outside the home, Although womens roles were changing, the most popular fashions of the 1950s emphasized womens femininity and sexuality.  [7]  Overall, for women a look of professional feminism was portrayed, but with young girls a more fun look was trendy. The most memorable of these looks was that of the bobby soxers, consisting of two-tone saddle shoes, ankle socks, white shirts, soft sweaters, neck scarves, and poodle skirts. Poodle skirts are a staple of the 1950s that were frequently worn to Sock Hops and were, full circular skirts decorated with felt patches of well-coiffed French poodles and were the fashion rage for teen girls.  [8]  A sense of style was even welcomed by young children because of the popularity of Western television shows; therefore, children would often mimic the look of their favorite cowboy.  [9]  Even male fashion began to take a more attractive and less stiff turn, clothing such as smart suits, sports jackets, and trousers with permenant creases.  [10]  In conclusion, the 1950s appealing fashion gave women a look of sophi sticated feminism, gave men a look of relaxed professionalism, and gave younger generations a look of carefree fun. Finally, it is easy to observe that the clothing styles and fashions of the generations were unique to the time, but conformity was also an accepted idea at the time as well. Even the most self-expressive group desired to fit it, Teenagers were also very conformist: They were very concerned about what their friends thought of their dress, behavior, and ideas, and they tried very hard to be part of the group and not be labeled an oddball or individualist.  [11]  It could be surmised that the reason for this need to be the same through fashion may have stemmed from the emerging suburban lifestyle in the United States, which was all about conformity through appearance. Therefore, fashion during the 1950s was most often not about being an individual with your own personal style, it was based off of being apart of a universal style. The fashions were so highly received that they could be seen on almost everyone of the decade. For example, powerful businessmen of the time sported the i nfamous gray flannel suits, which were paired with narrow brimmed hats.  [12]  As a result of televisions invading homes, and movie theaters growing, admiration of stars like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, added to the aspiration to achieve a trendy look of glamorous sophistication and elegance.  [13]  Of course, there were exceptions to the conformity ideal, and these groups were known as The Beatniks. These were citizens who detested conformity and separated themselves from the popular fashions by wearing black turtleneck sweaters, blue jeans, and sandals for men and black leotards and short skirts for women. Ironically, the style that they developed to protest being the same became a conformity in itself.  [14]  To sum up, even though 1950s fashion could be vastly conformist, the styles themselves were definitely unique and something that the country had never experienced, but quickly loved and would continue to adore for generations to come. In conclusion, the fashion of the 1950s was filled with blends of trendy, relaxed, fun, elegant, and sophisticated styles. The original fashions of this beloved decade are still treasured in society today, and these fashions are often still imitated in various styles in the fashion world. Because 1950s fashion was rebellious, captivating, and unique, it has evolved into a memorable part of history that will always have an element of current fashions for years to come. The Fifties style sums up everything that is flattering, does not appear to be a contrived fashion statement, and shows classic good style.  [15]Â